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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hips don't lie...

Two days ago I went in for hip surgery with the well known hip surgeon to the sports world- Dr.Marc Philippon here in Vail, CO. I loved him from the first time he called me personally from his cell phone to tell me the results of my MRI. He has been kind, informative, reassuring and non-egostical. Very uncommon for a doc of his stature.

Instead of being nervous or scared I feel an overwhelming sense of relief and optimism. The road to getting here has been a frustrating one full of tears, painful rehab and false hope given by many medical professionals that promised they would "fix me". I had many skeptics as I announced my surgery to the world. After seeing the pics of my procedure and the damage that was in my joint, I now know with even more certainty that this surgery needed to happen. 

On the bike 11 hours after surgery. Don't hate the shorts!
Chowing down after 24 hours of fasting..
Ten years ago I was at the top of my running career. I was running fast and one of the best female distance runners in the country. I was loving my life and looking forward to the next racing adventure. I was confident, working hard  and competitive until my debut in the marathon in the fall of 2005, the Twin Cities (2005 US Marathon Championships). The strange hip pains started creeping in during this training period and would continue to plague me for years to come. There was never a day that I didn't have some type of pain. I raced, trained and rehabbed throughout the years. I held onto every physio and Doctors words as they told me they would be the one's to "fix me" or figure out the route of the problem only to come up short each and every time. 

Winning Twin Cities marathon 2005..

2012 Olympic Trials 5,000m prelim.. Ran with so much pain

My Name is Nicole Aish… I enjoy a many good cups of coffee, love my two dogs and still run more than your average normal person. I heart Colorado more then any other place I've visited or lived..I used to be a professional athlete for Nike, won my first and only marathon in 2005, the Twin Cities Marathon, am married to a sarcastic New Zealander, my friends are like my family and I would rather hang out in my ugg boots than a pair of high heels. I believe that people should mean more than any amount of money and that trying to be a good person everyday really matters. I have celiac and hypothyroidism, but you won't hear me talk about it unless asked. I dislike being in the spotlight and still have a strong desire to lace up for 5th Olympic Trials in 2015!!


  1. Came over from the fb group..
    Enjoy your MobiLegs! I'm 3.5 weeks post op and off of them, but I loved them and was never sore. Best of luck as you recover.

  2. I feel you- the frustration and the optimism about the future.
